Monday, June 30, 2008

Monterrey Chicken with Cilantro Cream Sauce

I've got a great new Atkins-friendly recipe.
I recently got some cilantro from Joe Bjorklund's garden, and used it to make a delicious cream sauce.

Gently warmed together are:
1/2 C. Sour Cream
Splash of half and half
4 T. finely chopped Cilantro
1/2 t. Sriracha Hot sauce

For the Chicken:
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, sautéed in olive oil, seasoned with fresh ground coriander, black pepper, 2 T. of bread crumbs and sea salt.
Covered with shredded Monterrey Jack Cheese and finished in the oven.


Joe Bjorklund said...

Glad you liked that cilantro Mikey. I am gonna cut some more out soon. It's so fragrant.

JeremyRocksU said...

This looks so yummy. Make me some.